A few days ago my organisation used the “Export List” button to get a copy of our “Our Living River” contacts list as an excel spreadsheet. Everything was downloaded successfully except for the postal addresses, many of which were missing in the exported spreadsheet even though they were still there in the list on the MailChimp website.

Since that point, we have made a number of changes to the spreadsheet and would like to bulk upload the changes to our list using Add Contacts > Import Contacts, and selecting the option to update existing members. However when we tested this on a small scale, it overrided the postal addresses in our MailChimp list with the blank cells in the postal address column in Excel. Even when we chose to skip the column, this still happened.

We were wondering if you could please give us any advice on how to bulk upload the changes we made in the spreadsheet, and update every column on the MailChimp list *except* the postal address column, which we do not want to override? If this is impossible, could you please give us some advice on how to get the postal address column to download properly into our exported spreadsheets rather than having many entries disappear during the Export List process?

Our organisation has not been allocated funding to get a paid MailChimp account so we are unable to use their support services. So I have decided to try asking on this forum instead.

Thankyou so much for your help!