Gossip Talk Radio is looking to REBRAND. It has grown into much more since I first started it in 2012. It still revolves around Life (getting through, going through, and how to) and the goal has always been to empower others and to educate those in need about life. It still includes Reality Television because most of what we see celebrities go through we do too just without the cameras including drama, relationships, broken communication, anger, holding onto the past, the absence of family, etc. I also want to expand to live streaming/television across multi-media platforms. I have a different aspect than Wendy Williams (I don't want to get into who's dating who, pregnant by who, and whatnot), but think TALK SHOW.

My vision is to get down and dirty discussing the good, the bad, and ugly about life. I am ready to Empower, Educate, and Entertain.

Hope that's enough info. I don't want to change it again so I really want it to rock.