So here is my story. I'm 14 years old and I'm a freshman. There is this really pretty girl in school, and I really like the way she looks. We don't have any classes together nor have we ever talked together before. It's like two completely different people, except that we've seen each other and had certain classes last year together. I know her name obviously and she knows who I am but I just never have the nerve to make a friendship with her. Every day after school, we basically walk the same path for 10 minutes, she walks behind her younger brother and his friend and I just walk alone. I know this would be the perfect time to talk to her, but the question is how and when and will I look completely retarded just saying hi. I came here because maybe there are some truly smart people out there about these kinds of things. A few more things I know: she is friends with one guy and she talks with him along with her friend during lunch, because they have lunch together in one period and I'm in a different one with my friends. I don't know if that means anything. I know she isn't in a relationship with him, she just knows him. I also have a younger sister and I hear her talking to her brothers trying to stop making them run around and stuff. I guess that could be a starting point. Btw, my sister is in 7th grade. A bit more mature, but I can still talk about it. I think getting to know her would be great because she has a great personality. The next question is, how to approach her. I can ride my bike to school and back, making a cool drive up to her as she's walking, or I can also walk and start a conversation with her about some topic. She's not one of those "popular girls" so she has a few friends and that one dude she knows also. I came here for info on how to become friends with her and fit in with all her other friends. Eventually, branching off into a relationship if it works out. Thanks for your answers and to whoever managed to read all of this.