I'd like to figure out a way to get all of the press, quotes, etc that I have done in a document that is not dependent on the web so that I have a record.
Are there services that could do something like this?
I'd like to figure out a way to get all of the press, quotes, etc that I have done in a document that is not dependent on the web so that I have a record.
Are there services that could do something like this?
Maybe I don't understand what you are asking. What do you mean by "that I have done"?
If you mean you want a file containing copies of stories you have seen, that is called "copy and paste". Using your mouse, click and drag across text that you want to save. That is called "highlight". You can press CTRL-A to highlight everything in a box or on a page. CTRL-C copies highlighted material. Then move the cursor to your open word processor and press CTRL-V to paste it into that document.
If you want to save an entire web page, right click in a blank space and select "Save as". Choose a folder, give it a name and save it.
To save a picture of exactly what is on your screen, press SHIFT-Print Screen. Then open an image viewer and press CTRL-V. Then you can give the file a name and save it where you want it. I use Irfanview from www.irfanview.com/
Ask a lawyer to recommend a news search service. They are usually individuals doing freelance work. A stock broker might use such a service, but I think a lawyer is more likely.
I meant all the interviews I've given to the press and other media where I've shared something. I just don't want to search through it all and was wondering if there's someone/a service that would do the research and put together such database for me.