Hi there,
I'm really hoping for some helpful career advice. I am 24, I'm working as a retail manager at the moment, full time, 18-20k, been doing the job for 2 and a half years, not going to get the chance to move up i don't think. Now I'm really desperate to completely change my career path, but really don't know what to do and am at a loose end. I have a degree in French studies and got a 2:1 but this was a few years ago, so my language has slipped. I used to be able to speak Spanish too, but that's even worse. A part of me thinks I should spend my time picking these up and try to use them for a job, but I don't know what I'd do with them. Teaching is another option but I am not the most confident and loud person (to control a class!) I'm also restricted somewhat to the city I'm in at the moment (Edinburgh), so a graduate scheme where you have to move all over the place wouldn't be ideal, have already moved up here for that. Am completely stuck and don't know what path to take, but my current job is making me miserable... please help!