Hello i am married for 17 years with two kids, I am 40 and she is 38. Their was not a single problem we have happy until I had a business loss in March 2015.

Even then I was keeping my wife happy but not in terms of financially strong I cared a lot for her and now recently a month ago she gave me her mobile to load some pics from laptop.

When i connected i found some call recordings, I was shocked to hear that she was proposing to my friend and been going to movie and restaurant in my absence, but when she proposed my friend denied it saying this is wrong.

I love her a lot because I lost my mom when i was 7yrs kid and i loved her a lot and she was everything for me

When I asked her she accepted it and said they were going out and talking for more than one and half years and asked me sorry.

She has also told him that my husband is idle now and not earning in business now that kills me a lot.

I had business loss but I am more wealthy with properties

I cannot digest this and I am heart broken and have not discussed this with anyone and it's killing me day by day

I dont know how to come out of this. Please help me