I was in my history class yesterday and my teacher showed like a 40 minute long video on a topic that we are not testing or doing any work on. So I stayed up later then usual the night before completing homework. At the last 10 minutes of the video I start to close my eyes but I'm still listening to the video. My teacher comes over and slides a paper under me. It said you were sleeping during the video. Now you have to type a 3 to 4 page essay on this topic. Are they even allowed to do that? No one else has to do it. The sheet said in order to turn in the homework due next week I have to do that essay. That is a disadvantage to me and makes this week even more stressful. It's my class time and I can choose to listen or not. I have multiple tests on Friday and finals this following week. I don't have time to do this work. Is he allowed to do this?