My teacher is so nice and sweet, so my question is, does she like me......? Her name is Caroline?

Answers (3)

she probably likes you in a student way teachers can get in trouble for having anything to do with students its the way laws go but she probab;y likes you as a student and thats it she likes are her students thats a better way of putting it with noone getting in trouble

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Depends on what you mean by "like".if you mean as a student on you curriculum,probably yes.if you mean it in a "#loveandromance" way then no.

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It depends on what "like" your describing. If you are describing it with the romantic one, I highly doubt it's unlikely. Laws forbid Student-Teacher Relationships, if found out the teacher could get fired and have a bad reputation. If you mean like in a friendly way then I think she does, a teacher looks at her students like it's her own child (Well a lot of them does I think), so she does like you as a student if you're a good one.

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