I'v seen her trying to itch herself against the ornaments in the tank, I know thats a sign of parasites, but would can I do about it? any recomendations... Could it be related the her white tip on her dorsal fin... Thanks
Responses (1)
it could be a birth mark that grows with her. but than again there could be somthing wrong. So i suggest that you call a mariene bilogiest or a vet. that is just what i think. Mady tou should keep a chart of how mutsh it grows a week it might help the vet a lil.
-love u lotts
Its not a noticable amount week for week, but it has got bigger since iv had her a couple of months. Im more concerned about her iching herself, as i know quite a lot of RTS have this white tip fin thing, i just dont know if its ment to get bigger or not. but thank you for your sugestion :D