My father died when I was younger, and I'm supposed to be getting 1,000 dollars a month in my bank account until I'm 18, but I recently found out she's been using that money ((MY MONEY!)) to pay rent for our house. Recently, I was about to call child support so she took my phone. I fought with her, ((not fist to fist)) until I grabbed my phone and ran. She hit me hard in my back and soon after started sobbing, then I said I wouldn't call if she gave my phone back?
Responses (1)
wow, yes your mom can use that mony if it is for you as in school suplies or nesasery needs for you using it to pay for her house is not ok. not tring to be mean but it sounds like you mom is unstabol can't be shere for there is not alot of detals. this is your disegen if you want it to stop then call.