So I being myself disagreed to try on some pants. I told my mom to give me a minute and I'll try them on. She decided to pick up a bottle of wine and said "If you don't put them on, I'm going to hit you." I told her "Try and I'll call the police." She then screamed at me saying that I better not do that or she'll call them before I do and tell them that I threatened her and then hit me for doing it, and that I better not ruin her records and saying how ungrateful and selfish I am. I screamed back at her saying how thats threatening and that isn't right. I told her that I said that because holding up a glass bottle and telling someone you're going to hit them isn't a joke. She then told me that I should know when she's joking and what not. I told her if I could call dad to get his opinion and she took away my phone and told me I'm not getting it back and that I'm grounded. Was what I saying correct? If she did hit me would that be considered Child abuse. I'm really confused and I don't know what to do.
Responses (2)
well any more its something that can get out of hand sometimes could have been misunderstood the true part is where mabe she didn't mean it actually for that purpose its just where sometimes you don't understand it if she really did plan to hit you that would be the thing that would happen if she left a mark on you thats child abuse thats what the police would need to know happened theres a mark then they would do something about other then that they would say it was a misunderstanding
If your mom threatens you, calls you selfish for defending yourself, and than bans something that she sees can be used against her, than that could be considered child abuse. It’s an abuse of her power as a parent, and a constant abuse of her power as a parent is even worse. While this may not seem as obvious, considering she didn’t actually beat you, emotional abuse is still considered child abuse, and depending on who you ask, threats can also be considered child abuse. The most helpful way to figure this out for yourself is to look up the definition of child abuse if you want to catagorize your mothers common behavior. If it fits in the definition, than you know it’s abuse. I don’t know your mom but this also seems unhealthy behavior, and maybe she should get help. You disagreeing with her and providing logical defense when threatened didn’t seem to warrant her behavior, and even if it was something worse the behavior still shouldn’t be displayed to a child from a parent. This doesn’t sound like a joke and seems as a way for her to manipulate you into thinking she’s right because she’s the authority figure. I hope this helps.
Is your mum usually like this? If she is, then you really need to tell someone. If she actually had hit you, it most definitely would have been child abuse. If she threatens you again, tell someone!!!