I live with my mom in an apartment. I'm 25 years old female finishing of college. Therefore i'm dependent on my mom financially. She pays the rent. She provides everything financially. I appreciate my mom for that always because she's not obligated. However, i feel like she uses her finance to control me. It's like i don't have an opinion for anything. She always reminds me that it's her money that pays the rent and as long as it's that way she doesn't care about my opinion. If we're having an argument she hits me, this happened yesterday, she slapped me across the face because she disagreed with my opinion. I appreciate my mom's help and i love her but i don't know why i have to go through this. She also talks to me like i'm a child and tell me how my life is suppose to be. Should it be this way, is she right, should i accept this type of behavior until i graduate and become financially independent?