Okay, I'm 14 and my brother is 15. The last year and a half has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I first cut in July of 2012 but it was only once. Then I started again in February of this year. In a nutshell, mom found out, got extremely angry, put me in the behavior ward at Children's for 3 days in March (it didn't help; just made it worse), and I cut after that in May and she got angry again. But ever since I was in hospital, mom and my brother have been fighting everyday. It doesn't get physical and they don't say they hate each other (Well mom said that to him once, but later apologized) but I hate it when they fight. Mom get so angry. I feel so useless. They don't even stop to think that it might affect me. I know it shouldn't, but it does. And then both of them are in bad moods. I started cutting again a few days ago. I can't deal with this anymore. I just want them to be happy and it feels like I'm the problem. Mom yells at me too. Just please can someone tell me what I should do?