my father has guardianship of my daughter. does this mean that his wife, my stepmother also has legal rights to my child? I worry that if she and my father were to ever divorce, that she could legally take my daughter away. I don't want her to ever have any legal rights to my daughter. I don't like her. I see her as a manipulative, verbally abusive sociopath. after doing some research, I understand that as her biological mother, I still have rights, but what are my rights concerning my daughter exactly? my stepmother gives her soda and other unhealthy things to consume. I don't like it because both of her sons, herself included are overweight and I don't want my daughter to be unhealthy. I 've been led to believe that because my father is her legal guardian, that I have no say at all concerning the well-being of my daughter. i'm tired of having my rights as her mother challenged. I need permission to bathe her, take her for walks in the stroller and things of that sort. will the guardianship automatically become adoption after so much time has passed? google has helped me with this, but it's helped very little. thank you