My husband has been telling me for the past five nights that I push him away when he is trying to cuddle with me at night (and no this is not a sexual cuddling its the sweet hugging type cuddling with arm around you so no bad thought people); But i dont remember doing this at all; in the least. I love my husband so much. I know he wouldnt make this up but i cant understand why I would do this since I love when he cuddles with me. and really its the only time we get to be together; since I work fulltime and go to school fulltime and we have a 5 year old daughter. It makes me feel so bad and hurt. He keeps saying i dont want to be with him but i do. I should note that I am off my bipolar 2 medicine right now since I cant afford insurance or the pills on my own. But i dont see how that would make me want to push him away; i'm only mentioning this because he said that was the problem why i "hate" him; so please dont judge me because i have this problem. I need to figure out why i do this because he doesnt even want to sleep by me anymore because of it and that is soemthing i do not want at all. any help would be great because i have went over this so many times and can not think of why i would do this to my husband who treats me like a queen.