hello, I am a desperate wife in need of some guidance. I feel so selfish sometimes but something is telling me that I shouldn't be. I am going full time in a business venture and seeing success, my husband is working part time at a fast food restaurant and with my business I am at home a lot because of all the computer work and appointment setting that needs to get done. When he gets home or before he goes to work I feel like his slave sometimes... Oh, yes he'll do the laundry and clean up but he ALWAYS has me do all kinds of things for him that he's perfectly capable of doing on his own. "will you take out the trash, get me some water, feed the dog, make some food, clean up the mess the dog made, clean the living room, go get some Mexican food, throw away my plate, call someone or some company (he refuses to call himself), tie the dog up outside, water the plants. And after a while it gets really annoying. I feel selfish. But he says Im home all day. As if what Im doing isnt important. I've tried poking fun at this, and even talking about it openly. When I bring it up all he says is "fine, I won't ask you for anything anymore ever" which isn't the point!!! How can I stop 90% of this though I have things to do? Thanks so much