... want to get a divorce. We have 4 children who all live with me and he gets them every other weekend and pretty much whenever he wants. We both have stable homes and live with our significant others who our children love. We have not been to any courts at all about anything yet but he wants to take the kids when the school year starts and only let me have them 4 days out of the month. I have nursed, nurtured, and cared for them all since they were born. The whole reason I left is because he was a horrible alcoholic with an addictive personality. He's a three time felon who was always gone in and out of jail and halfway houses while I was left alone to take care of them. I have developed bad anxiety while living with him because of his blackouts but now he says he's changed and wants them. Should I be scared I don't want to keep them from their father but I don't want to only have them 4 days a month! He makes more money than me and doesn't want to have to pay child support. Should I be worried he will take them from me?