We were visiting family and left us here and drove back to Fort hood saying we are not allowed back and he doesn't want to contribute anything, no money or I can't have any of my things back because everything is in his name he stole my phone and car because its in his name, I'm at stay at home mom, not by choice.I looked at his Facebook and he's spending money on others, his mom is with him also spending our money, need the money to support my son and I and to get back on my feet, get my son into daycare and I can get a job, I can't file for child or spousal support yet because he won't give me my ss cards and birth certificate. Is it possible for me to prevent him from getting that money since he's not financially taking care of us. I don't understand why he's being this way but whatever he's mad about our child shouldn't suffer, I explained that to him and he didn't care, and then thats when I saw on Facebook he's buying stuff for others, when my son and I don't have a dime to get food, if it weren't for my mom I would be out of luck with no food and shelter. What can I do?