... bit but still very upset. When we were together I brought her a car for xmas so i could teach her to drive as a gift, she left me so i took the car for aweek she was asking for it back i wouldnt budge then she starting making out we could work on things maybe i asked are you leaving me for anyone or cheating on me as it was weird cause it felt like she just wanted us over but her reply was dont be silly of course theres no one if i want to be with.someone it be you. I gave the car back cause i still love her and thinking it wasnt the end of us. Bang two days later i caught her walking arms around her new guy i felt so sick and used. Ive talkd to her once after that she said its just her friend. Its been 3weeks she wont answer my txt or calls and she post on fb pic of that guy and her changed her relationship status and wrote i love you so much on his page. Now shit thing is he lives down the road to wear i had to move to and i see them all the time driving the car i gave her! Should i get revenge or what do i do?