I don't go out without her anymore, except about 4 times in a year my friends have a lads night and she hates me going. She eventually says I can go, but only if I'm back by midnight. I went away with work earlier in the year and she wouldn't speak to me because on the night I went out to see the city.

- She says I should invite her to the night, or come home when she said to help her mindset, because she's already allowing me out I should give a little too. She thinks our nights out should always be together as a couple. We don't have many couple friends to go out with unfortunately.

She spends money on her family, on clothes etc, but if I want new clothes she expects me to get the cheapest thing I find.

- She says the family spend is different because its not selfish. Also she's female so she needs more clothes than me. And that she rarely spends a lot on one thing, so the clothes deal is the same for both of us.

If I want to go for a run, she gets pissed off that I'm out without her. Although she has relaxed on this one.

- She says I should find something we can both do. Like tennis, but I should organise it. When I've tried she's had an excuse not to go (Headache usually)

She moved from another country and doesn't have many friends here (her choice she's not that social).

Who's right here? I feel I'm in a controlling relationship, she thinks she's lenient and that I just want to live a single life.