They constantly treat her like crap and make her work more then she should and blame her for everything and 99.9% of the time its not her fault and i want to know if theres any legal action we could take cuz we tried talking to the store manager and itstill goes on
Answers (1)
well its not nice to do that to any employee she needs to be trained to be in a social enviroment it sounds like they don't want to have her part of the employee social function you can go to labor and industries to tell them whats going on she also could move onto a different walmart one that treats her better but yea you can report it to someone and get some type of results from taking action
This region has alot of bad assistant managers and this walmart is in the red zone not sure what it means but all i know is 3 asm's treat her like crap and they treated me like crap forr the longest time and i forgot to mention is part of her "lack of social skills" is that she was in a foster home where her adoption mother over dosed on drugs and abused the crap out of her and she was abused by kids in school so thats why shes not very social