... friend I wouldn't have her. Was it wrong for him to call them to take my cat away without me knowing?
Answers (1)
it wasn't right to take and call animal control but it also sounds like your friends parents don't want the cat around at their place so thats probably why they took it your friends dad didn't want the responsibility to care for it it wasn't right to do that but people do this kinda thing all the time so it doesn't make much difference nobody will take the blame either how come you couldn't keep it.
He wasn't the one caring for it, it was my friend who was caring for my cat in there upstairs which is basically there own place and there dad never goes there. He told my friend that she can only keep her cat if she gets rid of my cat and if she doesn't he'll have her taken away.
My cat was having behavior problems because of my dog, she was pooping and peeing everywhere so I had to give her to my friend until my boyfriend and I could find a place for ourselves.