My fiance is from Paris, he had lived in Dublin for 3 years before he met me and made the decision to come and live with me in Guernsey, which is a tiny island compared to Dublin, he has been here about a year and a half and he hates it. He misses his friends and his job. He has made the decision to get his old job back in Dublin and leave me here.
I see this as effectively moving backwards so that he can have his old life before he met me. Which hurts my feelings. At first he mentioned me going with him, i was not keen as i am 12 years younger than him and wish to be close to my family who live here also. We had lots of arguments about it and i was determined he should try to stick it out longer to see if he could grow to love it here. But he says he cannot, he is suffocating without his friends.
So he is in the process of getting his old job back. I had been thinking about moving with him and when i said that i would consider moving with him, he looked shocked and panicked. Like he did not want me to come at all. He has avoided the topic ever since like it's not even happening. Bearing in mind this man proposed to me, why do i feel like he wants us to just part ways and go back to his single life. I feel like if he can live so happily without me why should i make such a big effort for him when it's not really where i want to be or do.
i would be grateful for any opinions on what is going on inside his head. Am i best to let him go to avoid an uncertain future?