... basically pay for me to go to college and such, but I don't want to leave what I have at my current school. I have found people here that I can actually trust, and at my old school it was not like that at all. The new school would be good for us financially, but I'm afraid it will take a negative toll on me as a person. I don't want to be that girl who is always alone again because nobody shares interests with her and such- It was awful to bear with the first time that happened. I'm scared I'll end up antisocial wih no friends at all, as well. I am always feeling extremely depressed as well (I seem to have quite a few symptoms of severe depression too, according to what I've read on a variety of websites...). I don't know what to do- Should I leave my comfort zone and just try out this new school and possibly have a bad outcome, or should I stay at my current school, where I feel like I actually fit in? Please help!