People ask what's your eye color I never know what to say because everyone says a dif color! And all answers are correct my eye is literly almost every eye color mixed into one! Both of my parents have blue eyes and same with my brother and sister so genetically speaking I have blue. But that's not the case! If you look there's tiny light green and some yellow dots around that is rectangles of light blue around the blue is dark green inbetween each of the colors there is hazel and yellow surrounding it. There is also random think chestnut brown strips. It's also brownish grayish around the edge of my iris. It kinda looks like an explosion of colors comming out of my pupil except for the think brown strips those don't look like part of the explosion but the small orangeidh strips are. What color do I have I have no idea when I look at eye charts none look like my eyes AT ALL plz help!