It's been an on going problem for about two years now, I have confronted her many times and this last time she did it she lead my mother ( who was watching him) to believe that she had spoken to me about it. I didn't find out until I called to let my mom know I was coming to pick him up and was told he wasn't there. My ex-mother-in-law then didn't bring him back when she said she would, she also wasn't answering either of her phones. I ended up calling her son ( my ex-husband )who lives in Hawaii to tell him to get a hold of her before I called the police. No surprise she answered the phone for him and finally brought him back.
In an incident before, I was in the process of moving to a new apartment and she asked if he could stay with her during the move, I agreed. She then went to his school and told them that she was his legal guardian and that I was homeless, the school took her word for it even though she had no legal paperwork proving she was his legal guardian, and I was no longer listed as his parent/guardian. When I was done moving and ready for him to come home she threw a fit and said he should stay with her because she made more money and could support him better. When I said no she said he would be going to school in rags because she refused to give any of his things back when he came home.
This has been and on going thing and I am afraid that she is going to take him, and not give him back. There is no custody order because my ex and I agreed when we were divorcing that our son would live with me. So there is nothing saying I have custody, but I'm the only parent that lives here as of now, and grandparents have no rights in the state of Wisconsin
My ex-mother-in-law has taken my son without permission multiple times can I get a restraining order