My ex boyfriend text me out of the blue. Why did he do that?

Answers (4)

When you've cared about someone, it's difficult to completely turn off and sometimes you wonder how they are, or you miss talking to them. Sometimes they just cross your mind. Other times, you might find yourself having feelings again, or realising you wish you hadn't broken up. It could be any of these things.

If you ask him in a friendly, open way (i.e. "Haha! What made you text me?") as opposed to a hostile way (i.e. "WTF are you talking to me for?"), chances are he'll tell you.

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maby he wants to get back togeather

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The only reason that your ex boy friend would text you is if he wanted to get back together or he just wants to talk.

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well you can ask him directly to avoid confusion or what if's and mis translated messages but the possibilities are maybe he miss you or he just want to talk with you again and have communication

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