Hello. I am sixteen years old, and I think that I have a big problem. I do not know what my life life vocation is, my "dream job". And this question suffers me for a long time. My parents tell me that I have two more years to university and I have time to choose. But I do not think that I will make it. Because I will do that job my whole life and to me, that is scary. I am a person that likes to enjoy in few things, but especially in playing football (soccer), and it isn't just for hobby, but some day I would like to be a professional player. Sometimes it is hard, because everybody say me that the schools is safer and that I let go that dream. But also I am a great student that would like to go to university and make my parents proud. And there is the problem, I'm afraid that if I choose soccer I will not make it and I will be failure. And I will disappoint everyone around. I know that both ways are difficult, but I am ready to take the pain... And I want, that when I'm old, I will look at my life and be happy and proud of myself. That's it, im ready for whatever it takes. Thank you.