My brother was born a christian, then when he was 17 he became an atheist. Today he fought with my mother calling her a devil, saying how Jesus doesn't exist. He also said the bible was sexist (sorry if I misspelled it.) And now he left saying he doesn't want to talk to my mother anymore.
I'm only 12 and it hurts seeing my mother cry.
My brother is messed up?
Responses (4)
No one can be born a Christian. All are born in sin and must repent and accept Jesus as both Lord and Savior, being "Born Again" by God's Holy Spirit.See St John 3:3. The Holy Spirit has to call him and convict him that he is a sinner or no salvation.Suggest a science book proving God's creation titled: "Creation" by Dr.Grant R Jeffrey. It is a book that everyone should read. I also suggest talking to a Baptist Pastor of Independant or Southern group as they teach the Truth of the Bible & can help all of you.
U can't control people's actions + other's
Accept what happened + make her a cup of
tea +sit her down. She needs 2absorb what's
happened + listen.
Tell yr mum -he was angry thats why he said
that just 2hurt u.
Sounds like he has a problem with religion....
But we Know that the Bible isn't.........
Why not let him calm down +talk later?
yeah i know how it feels sometimes we did something maybe all you can do is be there for your mother but dont get mad with your brother we just need to respect each others belief even if we are a family like my family i am catholic my father is a protestant but we respect each other belief because that is were we find peace and felt love