Everytime he gets his daughter he goes from this loving amazing boyfriend I want to marry and have children with to a demanding bossy unloving uncaring horrible person I'd love to break up with? This is a weekly cycle for the most part, some weeks better then others. He has her three days a week, and I can count on Monday when he gets her to be a horrible day for me. I am bossed around because he needs the house spotless and hes completely unloving to me and tells me I mean nothing compared to his daughter. It has created a hate for his daughter and him three days a week. On thursday when her mother picks her up he usually turns back in my loving guy for the weekend. Im confused and angry and I have created with terrible hate and rage for this toddler of his. Every week is a complete rollercoaster of emotions (btw my bf is bipolar). I am feeling completely lost and alone, happy one second an emotional wreck the next and on the verge of punching him in the face!