I was in art class today I'm a good quiet student who gets along with teachers very well but today I had headphones in and didn't hear the pledge come on so I stranded seated the teacher for a special Ed student in my class walked over to me and said "are you really that disrespectful " I replied "I didn't hear it come on sorry" she simply gave me a dirty look and said I hope you have no family in the military I replied " I do and I don't think they will care I missed one of the thousand I have already said" she said nothing but the class was looking at me and I felt helpless she then walked to the art teacher and said" I was being unpatriotic and rude" I said nothing but after class she stopped in the hall way where everyone could see us and told me " I'd have fun in mr sheets officer everyday to say the pledge bc he will be information of this" I'm really worried bc I don't want ppl to think I'm that person who doesn't stand for the pledge (nothing wrong with it if you don't it's American) but I'd rather not be an outcast. Can I really get in trouble for this and what should I do if she keeps talking to me about it. I'm in a public school in middle school