I'm 18 years old and I've had fairly severe anxiety for the last six or so years. In the last two years I've begun to deal with it better and my worrying had depleted until almost nonexistent. Now, in the last month I've had two unusual fainting episodes where I've blacked out without any warning and no recollection of it happening upon waking. I've also vomited after both episodes. This has caused me to plummet into a downward spiral of anxiety attacks. Every night I'm scared to go to sleep and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I've made plans to go to the doctors but I'm scared of what they'll tell me. I live away at university so my parents have also been worried sick, which doesn't help towards my own sanity.

Another thing to add is that I smoke about 7 cigarettes a day and because of university my diet has turned into an 'eat-when-I-like' sort of system. I also consume quite a bit of alcohol (as any student would really). So my overall questions can be deduced into the following:

1. Can anyone explain the unexplained fainting?
2. Does my lifestyle have something to do with the aforementioned?
3. How can I stop worrying so much about it?

P.S. Please don't be judgmental over my smoking. I know it's bad and I regret starting but I've been smoking for over a year and I had never fainted before my two episodes.

Thanks in advance.