... think she has to convince herself that she is happy. It's a struggle day i and day out struggle. Yes. That's life I get it. But it makes my heart ache to see her struggling in so many areas : career, mental health, abuse from many years ago. I want more than anything for her to come home. I want to tell he don't worry about bills --- let's get you back on track. Don't worry about money. Worry about your peace of mind and your spiritual health. Where she is there is no family nearby and I don't believe that her friends are authentic.
How can I convince her that coming home - it would only have to be one year- get her license - get into some deep therapy. Would be a very smart move for her.

I'm not looking to baby her or enable. I just don't want her to struggle when there's no reason to struggle. She's struggled long enough. Come home ---heal your wounds.