I don't want to lose muscle! I haven't worked out in 3 days, this is becoming a habit. Today is my 4th day and I don't know if I should work out today or not. My legs ( what I only work ) feel tired but not sore at all, kind of a fatigue feeling. I don't know if I am overtraining. I normally do 180 donkey kicks, 180 firehydrants ( half of each with 6kg weights ) 180 kick backs, 100 jump squats, 120 supermans, 600 bridges with 6 kgs. I wish I could increase the weight so I could do less reps because doing this workout for about 4 hours is an absolute pain! I am 14 years old and a female. I am trying hard to gain muscle in my glutes but I'm losing motivation, I have always had a mental illness for being too healthy and if I don't workout I beat myself up over it and get super depressed. ( I was diagnosed with depression since birth so that doesn't make it any better ) thankyou loves!
Responses (1)
Nobody works out for 4 hours at a time. That's your first mistake. Your second is only working your bottom half. You're going to have disproportionate size bottom vs. top. You're going to look odd.
Two big mistakes. You need to sign up with a personal trainer and learn how to work out properly because you currently are not.
I'm not going to discuss anything else. You need to be in therapy to get your head together because it is not. You need a personal trainer to get your body together because it is not.
Good luck.
Sorry I do also work arms and abs, just wanted to make it as if I was in that situation. I recently got out of an eating disorder. I take breaks in between the workouts so I it goes for 3-4 hours. I do not actually work my legs 4 hours straight. Thankyou