Hi, Im 12 years old & I missed my period more than once like 3 times! & I dont know what to do??? How do I get like, back on my period? & what should I do??? PLEASE HELP ME ASAP THIS IS FREAKING ME OUT! I am reallllyyyyyy scared and helpless! D: plz help me asap :(
Responses (2)
When you start your period, it can be really sporadic and hard to track. The only reason you should be worried is if you are having sex and not using protection. If you are, then you need to see a doctor or go to a free clinic (such as Planned Parenthood) to get a pregnancy test and options for birth control. If you aren't sexually active, your missed periods are most likely because your body is adjusting to the hormonal changes that are happening as you go through puberty. Again, if you are worried, it doesn't hurt to see a doctor. Seeing a doctor about that sort of thing may be uncomfortable, but they are the best people to see when you have questions about your changing body. I will also reiterate that you do not need to have a regular doctor or insurance to see someone about this issue. If your family does not have medical insurance, do an internet search for free clinics in your area. Hope this helps. Worrying won't help with your problem or with your stress level. Also, don't feel like you can't talk to your friends about this kind of thing. Most likely, they are just as freaked out about all the changes they are going through.
Well said, kudos to you.