Hi. I'm new to this whole deal. My ex boyfriend broke up with me four months short of two years ago. Unfortunately, I have found it very difficult to move on. I've dated one man after and it didn't last and had no effect on me. I miss my ex deeply. I don't find any other men attractive to be honest and no interest in anyone lately. My heart feels like its getting eaten from the inside out! To top that, he is in a current relationship.. I've had to, to some extent let it go, I even find him less attractive now but I don't want anyone else! The whole situation was very messy! I realize I need to move forward. Has anyone gotten the chance to at least recover a friendship of an ex? I'd love to hear about that. If not, any advice to help move on? Really missing him and everything about him. There's no clue in my mind where I went wrong...he would not say. Basically he seems to hate me. I have given up all hope. Any advice, support, experiences I'd like to hear. This did extend further than expected. I'd appreciate if rude comments were left out of this. Thanks.