Me and my boyfriend have been together for two years on and off. The other day I picked up his phone to move it on the side and he snatched it off me and put a password on it and I didn't understand why he wouldn't let me on it. So a few weeks later he didn't realise as he got up to go to the kitchen it fell out his pocket and I guessed his password and he had girls on there most of them he was related to but there was a few that he wasn't. I confronted him about it and he promised me that it wa nothing like that even though I kept saying to him before this if you've got girls it don't matter I'm not bothered but jut tell me and he promised me that he hadn't. So I'm really confused he was upset when I fount out saying that it was nothing like that. But it's been paying on my mind lately and I wanted to get other peoples take on this thank you for your help whoever comments Kay