I have not seen any Milo/Millo in the bible but I could recommend some names that's in the bible and give you a little insight to the person behind the name:
1) Noah : Genesis 6:9 , God called Noah a righteous man,. He proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. Noah walked with the true God. Noah did all that God had commanded him to do. Noah listen to God and did what God told him to do.,He did just so.
2) Abraham : James 2: 23, God called Abraham his friend. Imagine the Grand Creator himself calling you his friend, it's the best friendship ever.
3) Moses : Numbers 12:3, God said Moses was the meekest man to walk the earth. What a great name to carry.
4) Joshua : Deuteronomy 31:23, God give Joshua the priviledge to lead his people into the promised land, an honor to cherish.
5) David : 1 Samuel 16 : 12,13, God chooses David to be his annointed one and to become the leader to his people. God empowered the little boy David to take down the Philistine giant Goliath who were wicked to his people. David love for God help him to be pleasing in God eyes. David grew up as a man fearing God, and did right in God eyes.
All the names above are strong names and each one was used by God to carry out his commands. Each one prove themselves faithful to God. Please look into the character of each individual and see which one has the qualities that you will like your son to have. Each one carries a powerful name and the character of the person behind the name.