Well, I feel like I have SO much wrong with me. I'm only 13 tho so I need to know what I should do... First of all, I have major mood swings I guess and I can be totally happy then someone says ONE little thing and I get all suicidal. I never attempt but I sort of go cry and it eventually turns into why am I so fat? Why can't I be popular? Then the next day I will be fine again. Also, I'm very quiet and I often can't participate in conversations because idk what to say. Sometimes words won't even come and I just look stupid. This is just the usual. Also, in 2011 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and I was trying to find out why my mood changes like this and one thing I saw was depression caused by diabetes, I don't think I'm depressed??? Anyways...help please??
Answers (2)
much or all of that can be because you are at the age where your hormones are developing in your body and can cause those symptons.if so things will be better when your hormones settle down.try to ignore them and realize you are really ok & as you age things will be better.you are not crazy and do not let suicide thoughts develop.that may be the devil's trying to mess you up taking advantage of your feelings.most teens have to go through similar at teen age years.need prayer or future advice call on me. I will try to help.
Your body is going through some very big transitions at your age. Mood swings are normal. All that said, have you considered that you may have a call of God on your life? When I hear of people that don't quite fit into the normal mode, I think that they have that call of God. God is patient with us. He yearns for all to come to know Him. How does one know Him you may ask? By talking to Him in prayer. Get alone in a closet or in your room when no one will interrupt you and talk to God (out loud). Actually speak to Him and expect Him to talk to you...(maybe not audibly). Buy a copy of God's word (the Bible) and read it. Start reading in the New Testament. Find out about the God who loves you so very much. Jesus died that you might have life and have it more abundantly. There is no other life like one in obedience to Almighty God. Prosperity, health, good relationships, joy and much more are available to one who seeks God. Ask God in prayer which church He would have you to go. Check out www.worldrevivalchurch.com for a powerful church where the truth of God is being taught. Best wishes!