
Rank: Beginner · 35 points · 7 answers

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Im a nerdy bookworm XD im a little shy and I play video games a lot im not very popular but I always get popular and outcast friends

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Questions posted by SmoothCriminal

Can you fire a gun in space?

My friend says you can help me prove him wrong you can because guns carry their own oxidizer letting them shoot

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: space, fire, friend, gun, shoot, guns, friends

Good books?

can anyone suggest to me a good book im an 11 year old boy and I bookworm I read on an 8th grade + level

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: boy, book, read, year, level, bookworm, boys, old, years, good, books, grade