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Can someone break down Muslims and dating, please?

I'm a Christian High school girl and I really really like this guy but he's Muslim and I don't really know how dating workings in that ...

Posted 5 weeks ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: school, high, girl, christian, religion, dating, muslim, schools, girls, high school, guy

How long has Family Guy been around for?

The TV show Family Guy. How long has it been around for?

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: family, guys, guy, tv, tv show, tv shows

How do I make up with old friends that I messed up the friendship?

Hi, I'm 16 and last year I had befriended this guy. I ended up getting a little crush on him and he found out. He stopped talking to me and ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: talking, friend, found, year, friendship, guys, old, friends, years, guy, make up

How do I talk to a guy a grade above me?

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: talk, guys, guy, grade, grades

Csi or law and order SVU episode where a guy in a public restroom gets his bicep ripped off?

To save my life I can't find any info on it. I know it's either csi or law and order episode. Any help appreciated.

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: life, restroom, public, save, order, law, ripped, guys, laws, guy

Can guys/men watch Wizard Liz too? Or is her advice only for girls/women?

Wizard Liz

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: girl, men, watch, women, guys, wizard, advice, girls, guy

How do I make my crush like me???????

i like this guy and his name is Jacks He is in my social studies class and stares at me a lot only in that class though. everyone knew my last crush ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: lots, jack, stare, social, guys, social studies, crush, name, guy

Help I dunno what to do with my crush?

I am in Grade 5 and I have a crush on this guy in my class. My classmate wrote an anonymous love letter to him, but apparently doesn't like him ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 3 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: love, letter, guys, crush, guy, grade, grades, classmates, classmate

I need help There is a Guy I like he’s 16 and I’m 15 don’t judge me alright?

I don’t know If someone is Gay so I’m worried if I ask, I feel like he’ll reject me, and And I’ll just end up Crying my heart ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: gay, feel, judge, worried, guy

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