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I have a sex problem please help me?

Posted 3+ months ago | 3 answers | | Open

Related topics: single, sex, girlfriend, doctor, problem, orgasm, help

Response posted by just a person 3+ months ago: No one cares

Baby names for 2 girls?

Posted 3+ months ago | 237 answers | | Open

Related topics: baby, girl, twin, gaia, girls, name, baby name, sex, babies, love

Response posted by PInk_Sunset 3+ months ago: PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. NOW YOU'VE STARTED READING THIS DON'T STOP. THIS IS FREAKY. 1) Say your name 10 times 2) Say your moms name 5 times 3) Say your crushes name 3 times 4) PASTE THIS TO FOUR OTHER QUIZZES. IF YOU ...

I am 43 and have a 19 yr old girl that I am in a fwb relationship. Is this wrong. She made 1st move?

Posted 3+ months ago | 71 answers | | Open

Related topics: girl, 1st, relationship, girls, old, relationships, sex

Response posted by Bryankhale 3+ months ago: Absolutely not. There's nothing wrong with it. Enjoy it until it ends. God bless you brother.

A man digs a garden in 4.5 days and another man digs the same garden in 9 days, how long will it?

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: garden, man, work, men, together, finish, dig, days, day

Answer posted by terrafirmalandscapes 3+ months ago: it would take them 4.5 days to dig the garden together.

Who is your favorite Avenger and why?

Posted 3+ months ago | 27 answers | | Open

Related topics: man, iron, favorite, avengers

Response posted by Zikomo 3+ months ago: Quicksilver because he’s super fast and he’s also the son of Magneto (X-Men).

I am 43 and have a 19 yr old girl that I am in a fwb relationship. Is this wrong. She made 1st move?

Posted 3+ months ago | 71 answers | | Open

Related topics: girl, 1st, relationship, girls, old, relationships, sex

Response posted by LavanderDazed84 3+ months ago: who tf are you, John Mayor. She is legally an adult so technically its okay.

A man bought a cycle for $1180 and sold it for a a loss 15%. What is the selling Price?

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: man, price, cycle, bought, selling

Answer posted by TheEssayGuru 3+ months ago: Loss =15% of $1180 = $177 Selling price = $1180-$177 =$1003 $1003

What would your Parallel Universes you be??

Posted 3+ months ago | 6 answers | | Open

Related topics: space, running, earth, multiple, idea, sting, universe, parallel, time, love, scifi, reality, friendship, sex

Response posted by Decent-Two634 3+ months ago: actually i would actually like to go to alternate universe of earth,there's a 50\50 out of chances that are important to decide two earth by a different perspective is likey point out theories that could to a hidden secret that you know about exists,but unless you get stuck on a abandon ...

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