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What is this white stuff on my cereal and is it safe to eat?

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: white, eating, morning, bowl, floating, stuff, miss, captain, cereal, spot

Response posted by askmequestions 3+ months ago: this happened to me with a different one and it was frootie tooties and it was either a big suger lump or its rotten and there was no other big lumps going around so im just gonna continue eating it

What is this white stuff on my cereal and is it safe to eat?

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: white, eating, morning, bowl, floating, stuff, miss, captain, cereal, spot

Response posted by iHoney 3+ months ago: Omg! The same thing happened to me this morning with the same cereal (Captain Crunch) but I admittedly felt my tongue, nose, and throat go numb. Then i started to get nauseous, if symptoms worsen I feel I should go to ER.

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