Rank: Junior · 114 points · 19 answers
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I am a 17 year old girl and honestly answering questions isn't my strong point. I'm here to see if this helps me be more empathetic of people. In... read more
I am a 17 year old girl and honestly answering questions isn't my strong point. I'm here to see if this helps me be more empathetic of people. In life I actually want to be a psychologist even though I'm a nurse already and a children's ward, I work there as sort of their psychologist but its not as complicated as it would be talking to an adult. I am already really empathetic but it doesn't always help and I do want to try and help more. also I'm schizophrenic, bipolar, anxious, depressed, suicidal and a lot more, so.. Fun! If there are any questions that you feel at unease with asking I don't mind attempting, I'm always here to do my best at helping!
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Octavia3201 joined Question.com 3,363 days ago (2 December 2015).
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- 20 votes on the answers of other members (14 thumbs up, 6 thumbs down).
- Asked 2 questions and received 2 stars on those questions.
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