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What can be done to ensure that a black magic specialist is authentic and credible?

Posted 3 weeks ago | 1 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: black, magic, done, black magic

Answer posted by barb1 3 weeks ago: “Black” magic is said to consist of spells, special curses, and “the evil eye” that bring harm to one’s enemies. “White” magic, on the other hand, is said by its practicers to produce good results by breaking the spells and canceling the curses. Here is ...

What is the origin of the oral legend about the "triangle of black magic" ?

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: black, white, prague, lyon, magic, found, turin, nets, triangle, cities, legend, origin, legends, oral, net

Response posted by masterabhiram 3+ months ago: The origin of the oral legend about the "triangle of black magic" is difficult to pinpoint as it is likely a product of folklore and mythology. Oral legends often evolve over time through storytelling and cultural traditions, making it challenging to trace their exact origins.

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