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Is ok to take rite aid brand prenatal formula with folic acid?

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: formula, aids, moment, acid, rite, brand, doctor

Answer posted by lettywilliams 3+ months ago: Yes, it is generally okay to take the Rite Aid brand prenatal formula that contains folic acid. Prenatal vitamins, including those with folic acid, are important for pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant. Folic acid helps prevent certain birth defects of the brain and spine in the ...

Unknown number keeps calling my cell phone?

Posted 3+ months ago | 10 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: phone, number, hour, first, unknown, town, cell, back, scared, cell phone, cells, numbers, phones

Answer posted by johncena007 3+ months ago: If you're receiving unwanted calls from an unknown number on your cell phone, here are a few steps you can take: Don't answer: If you don't recognize the number, it's often best to avoid answering the call. Let it go to voicemail instead. This will help you avoid any potential ...

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