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A religion with reincarnation?

Posted 3+ months ago | 11 answers | | Open

Related topics: death, religion

Answer posted by italian 3+ months ago: IT depends on what you are looking for? Do you want to know the truth? We first must know what is the condission of the dead. What is the condition of the dead? THE BIBLE’S ANSWER: “The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, ...

Is the Bible and Religion outdated?

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: religion, bible, feel

Response posted by barb1 3+ months ago: No, I don't think so. But how can anyone prove it?

Why are some turning their backs on religion and leaving it permanently?

Posted 3+ months ago | 8 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: church, world, religion, churches, leader, back, leaving, turning, members, leaders

Response posted by italian 3+ months ago: You really want to find out what religion has done? There track record is not the best one. Then we want to find out what is the most important. We should want to know what pleases our creater.

How did the Christian religion come about?

Posted 3+ months ago | 4 answers | | Open

Related topics: christian, roman, religion, god, greek, believe, wondering, gods

Response posted by italian 3+ months ago: “It was first in Antioch [Syria] that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.” (Ac 11:26) It is possible, then, that this name was used as early as the year 44 C.E. when the events surrounding this text occurred, although the grammatical structure of this phrase does ...

Which religion is the right one? and why?

Posted 3+ months ago | 44 answers | | Open

Related topics: religion, right

Answer posted by italian 3+ months ago: When we are looking for the right relgion we must must make sure it agrees with the Bible.

Would getting more involved with religion help my mental health?

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: religion, health, mental, mental health

Answer posted by italian 3+ months ago: God has promised to remove the very causes of mental disorders permanently. When God fulfills that promise, never again will painful feelings, mental distress, and hurtful memories “be called to mind, nor will they come up into the heart.”​—Isaiah 65:17. Therefore Religion will n ...

What identifies true Christians, or Real worshipper of God?

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: christian, person, religion, god, real, matter, gods

Answer posted by wendz 3+ months ago: God’s word at Matthew 7:16 tells us by their fruits you will recognize them. What fruits will identify them as true Christians. 2 main fruits true Christians must have: 1) Love for God. Putting him first and keeping him first in our lives. What ever we do, God must be priority. 2) Love for ...

Why do people still bother with science when religion is obviously right ?

Posted 3+ months ago | 63 answers | | Open

Related topics: people, religion, god, dream, science, away, believe, right, dreams, time

Response posted by lawyersonia 3+ months ago: Scientism sees it important to get rid of the vast majority powerful, philosophical, and strict cases, as the insights they declare can't be secured by the logical technique. Essentially, scientism holds that science is the only valid means of accessing the truth.Religion and science have ...

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