My grandson is about as many days as my son in weeks, and my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son and I together are 120 years. Can you tell me my age in years?
Answers (3)
One week is seven days and a year is twelve months. So weeks and months are just factors. I could have made myself more clear, having said: "My son is seven times older than my grandson and I am twelve times older than my grandson."
The age of my grandson g is obviously 1g. My son is then 7g and I am 12g. Together we are 120 years. Only here do we assign a real time unit (year).
(1 + 7 + 12)g = 120yr.
20g = 120yr
1g = 6yr.
Let us plug it in and we get: The grandson is 6, my son is 42, and I am 72 years old.
Poor me ;-)