what are the reasons that lions and tigers resort to eating men ,women and children ,?
Responses (2)
Lions don't think humans are as special as humans think they are. They don't understand our shock at loss of life, our moral codes, etc. To them, there are just various things they eat to stay alive. Like humans, they'll choose the thing they like most, is most abundant, and easiest to catch.
Humans don't figure high on big cat diet (mainly because we don't tend to share an environment, but also because we are not their preference). However, humans are responsible for the loss of natural hunting habitats of the large majority of creatures on this planet and a side effect of that is that hunting animals will encroach on what we see as "our" environment.
On the other side of the coin, we've been so efficient at wiping out tigers (95% killed in the last 100 years and 90% of their habitat taken - the equivalent of every human being on the planet wiped out except for those in Bangladesh and Indonesia) that tigers won't bother us much longer. In an estimated 25 years, every species of tiger will be extinct in the wild. The Persian, Balinese and Javan tigers are gone. Most existing species have only a few hundred animals left. And yet still we kill them.
I feel privileged to have seen tigers in the flesh. I doubt my grandchildren will be able to do the same.
thanks for your relpy . and it`s very true , unfortunatley man is destroying a lot of the natural habitat for a lot of different animals and creatures.