i am in nanaimo and want to make more friends. can someone give me some suggentions how to make friends and where is the best places to get freinds. Are there some good ways to make friends. thx a lot
Make friends~~~?
- Posted:
- 3+ months ago by ketchup-_-
- Topics:
- place, friend, nanaimo, friends
Answers (2)
It's such a positive step that you came here seeking to learn more. Just as you suspected, there ARE things you can do that increase your chances of building and keeping friendships with people who treat you well. The most important part is interacting repeatedly with the same group of people so they can become familiar with you. It's also helpful to maintain a positive outlook, as positivity attracts people to us. There are many more tips and how-tos in the sidebar of ToMakeFriends.com that might help you in your journey. Good luck to you!
First remember this people are easy to fine. A true friend is heard to find,
a true friend adds a lot to the joy of living. People who are “loners” and avoid others are rarely, if ever, really happy. What is there about friendship that adds so much to your happiness?
Doing something with a friend seems to multiply the enjoyment of that particular experience. Jesus once told of a shepherd who found his lost sheep and of a woman who found her lost coin. Each one called in friends, saying, “Rejoice with me.” (Luke 15:6, 9) Yes, you normally want to share good things with companions, and your delight seems to double as a result. Haven’t you experienced that?
On the other hand, when things don’t go well and you feel depressed, a good friend can do a lot to relieve your sadness. Friends can be a real help when trouble threatens. They can warn you of danger and help you to escape it, and can encourage you when the going is hard. You probably can agree with what Proverbs 17:17 says: “A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress.”
That scripture emphasizes a quality that strongly marks real friends: Loyalty. Being a friend means more than just acting friendly. A genuine friend is loyal to you and to your best interests. Are your friends like that?
Today, most people seem more interested in outdoing their neighbor than in helping him. Even among so-called “friends” there is often a spirit of competition, not of loyalty. Many friendships last only as long as neither person is called on to make some change or to give up some selfish interest for the good of the other. In this competitive world a true friend is not easy to find.
A fine Bible example of one who had some really worthwhile friends is seen in David. You may have heard how David, after the defeat of Goliath, an immense enemy warrior, gained a fine friend in Jonathan, the son of King Saul. Jonathan, if he had been jealous, could have hated David as a possible rival for the throne of Israel. Instead, Jonathan recognized that God’s favor was on David, and “Jonathan’s very soul became bound up with the soul of David, and Jonathan began to love him as his own soul.” (1 Samuel 18:1) Jonathan loved him for his courage and faith in Jehovah God. Jonathan himself also must have had a similar devotion to God. There couldn’t be a better foundation for a mutual friendship.
Wen you can please go to jw.org look up friends.